cr-4 sf6微水分析仪


3级电冷却器。 露点/霜点范围:-60至 60°c。 湿度表示oc, of 和露点/霜点。 可选水分含量表示为 ppmv 的压力传感器和表示为0.01 to 100 %rh 的温度传感器。 95 °c 截止值。
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  • to provide the most advanced, accurate and reliable humidity instrumentation available for industrial, laboratory, calibration standard, and airborne use, emphasizing high performance chilled mirror technology。buck research instruments specializes in producing high performance chilled mirror hygrometers that offer fast and accurate measurements while maintaining exceptional reliability inherent only to chilled mirror operating principles.buck research instruments was founded in 1989 by arden buck, an internationally recognized authority on water vapor measurement, who is credited with major advances in the state of the art and has authored over 30 scientific papers. buck research instruments has continued to develop new and advanced hygrometry instruments with state of the art performance.
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cr-4 sf6微水分析仪简介:
•露点/霜点范围:-60至 60°c
•湿度表示oc, of 和露点/霜点
•可选水分含量表示为 ppmv 的压力传感器和表示为0.01 to 100 %rh 的温度传感器
•95 °c 截止值
•分辨率: 0.01 °c
•精度: ±0.1 °c
•样品压力:0至150 psia
•0-10v和4-20 ma可扩展模拟输出
•rs232串口i / o.
•尺寸:8x9x10英寸,(20 x 23 x 25厘米)。 重量:约4公斤(不含电池)。
•电源要求:110 - 240 vac @ 50/60 hz或可充电电池组支持连续使用6小时

cr-4 sf6微水分析仪应用领域:
龙8国际官网的技术支持: 谷佳轩 售后支持: 谷佳轩
龙8国际官网的联系方式: 010-68460051 龙8国际官网的联系方式: 010-68460051
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